Today, after almost 7 years at Unite Church, I wrapped up my season of pastoring, leading worship and serving alongside so many amazing people. 

To say this was a difficult decision is an understatement. I love this church and I love doing ministry with the Snodgrass family and our team. Lance and I had the incredible honor of helping plant this church alongside Jeff and Julie, and it has definitely been a labor of love through a pandemic and other circumstances! But what an amazing experience getting to shape a church from scratch and make it into something that I was proud of… that we all are proud of. I have grown so much through this God calling!

I want to speak high honor to my pastor Jeff Snodgrass. It was like God knew what He was doing putting us together to plant a church. Your vision and my details compliment each other so well! Ministry is hard and leadership is a lonely place… yet to see the things you have endured the last few years has lead me to respect you even more. You are full of integrity, love people and the church, and are passionate about people coming to know Jesus. I count it a privilege to have been under your leadership and vision for 7 years! Gosh, I’m going to miss that. 

To my incredible team (Melinda, Reggie, my worship and production teams, and many more) you have taught me so much throughout the years. Thank you for allowing me to serve alongside you. Thank you for the many hours of laughs and pursuing Jesus together. We have created so many amazing memories that I will cherish forever.

To the people of Unite Church, whether you have been around since our launch or just started attending, thank you for allowing me to be your pastor. One of my greatest joys has been watching you take faith steps and grow closer to Jesus. Keep pressing forward towards the cross, and keep uniting people with God and others! The best is yet to come for Unite. 

I’ll end with this… I remember the day Jeff and Julie sat down with Lance and I and asked us to plant a church with them in Pasadena. At first, I was like HECK NO, planting a church seems like a lot of work! But God finally got ahold of me and I said yes. Looking back, even through the challenging times, it is one of the best yeses I have ever made. It was a lot of hard work that’s for sure, but I wouldn’t change any of it for the world. When God calls, you follow. 

As for what is next for the Beckford family, God has once again made a very clear call and path forward. I will share that soon! For now, I want to leave space for this beautiful church and family that I have called HOME for so long. The cry headache is real, y’all. 😭 

Thank you to everyone who made me feel so loved today. This is not a goodbye, but a see you later!
